
I am fascinated by these wonderful creatures.  They seem to be everywhere at the moment when I am out walking my dogs, Gunner and Morgan.  The colours of them  is wonderful I  would love a spotty skirt in these colours!



I love the book The Bad-tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle, I was then putting a link into the book and realised on the website of Eric Carle it seems to have changed its name and is now The Grouchy Ladybird .  I am not sure the ladybirds in my pictures were bad tempered/grouchy or just enjoying the sunshine!!  🙂

Also took this picture of a field mushroom, loved the dew around it!

6 comments on “Ladybirds

  1. There are so many about at the moment. I love the pictures and you have a fabulous macro on your camera. We found one of these on the clematis yesterday. but when I went back to photograph it, it had gone. Hope you are having good weather, rain when you need it. Love Cxxx

  2. ruthkeys says:

    Thanks for your comment. The Harlequin ones are lovely to see, but I believe they eat our poor common or garden variety. Think my ladybirds may have a reason to be bad tempered! lol

  3. MILLY says:

    So nice to see your gorgeous photographs, love your ladybirds.
    I used to use it at school and the hungry caterpillar. Glad to see you posting.

  4. MILLY says:

    Trying to make a link.

  5. Great pics – love the third one down where you can even see the hairs on the leaves! We have a wooden ladybird house in our garden but they seem to spend more time on the lavender bush. Look forward to seeing your next collection of beautiful photos. x

  6. ruthkeys says:

    Thank you all for your kind comments 🙂

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